Jul 1 – 31: Preparing BAS for our business clients
Jul 31: Trust Distribution notifications to be lodged with the ATO for new trust beneficiaries
Jul 31 to 28 August: TPAR – Taxable Payments Annual Report – Sub-Contracting Information for certain businesses, to report payments made during the year to sub-contractors, particularly the construction industry, and also cleaners, road freight, courier services, IT services, or security firms. A report should be submitted for these types of businesses, even though they may not hire sub-contractors.
Jul 31 – Businesses need to report their payroll information to the ATO by this date (extended from 15 July)
Jul 28 – For Businesses and also Employees: SGC Super contributions for the June 2021 Qtr need to have paid and have the fund receive those funds, by 28 July. This effectively means that you need to allow approximately 5 business days before 28 July, to ensure that your super is paid on time. Most of our businesses pay their super either monthly or with each pay period, for a more even cash flow. It also reduces the risk of having unpaid and unclaimable super when it’s paid late.
And not to forget 2 very important July birthdays for our IN8 Team – Selina our IT and Marketing Assistant, and Christina our Accountant, both have birthdays in July! Happy Birthday to both of you, and also all of our clients who also have July birthdays!