Building financial freedom for business and professionals

IN8 Business Valuations

Know your business worth. Plan for your future.

Discover The “Freedom Value Gap” In Your Business And Unlock A Brighter Financial Future

As a business owner, you’re a visionary. You started with an idea – a dream of what you could create, and how that enterprise would help you achieve your goals of financial freedom.

Build It And They Will Come …

… or will they? Sadly, after years of building their business, most owners only consider a valuation when it comes time to sell. At this point, many proprietors get a shock when they discover just how little their dream may actually be worth to potential buyers.

How A Valuation Can Help Grow Your Business

Our Risk and Value Driver Analysis is part of every valuation. It identifies areas where your business is strong and focused, and also exposes areas where risks need to be minimised. This is of enormous value to a proprietor and their staff. It gives you a base starting value, where progress is monitored addressing specific areas which need to be improved or maintained for a brighter financial future.

The business value can be re-measured after 12 to 24 months using the same consistent process, and the value progress measured.

With more than 30 years of experience in small to medium enterprises, including valuation expertise and experience in using specialised patented processes, we are your trusted advisor. We work with you through the valuation process and provide you with guidance on the factors that may impact the final outcome.

Our Heads Are In The Clouds

We are very serious about environmental sustainability and ease of use and access for our clients. For this reason, we utilise cloud-based technology and solutions wherever possible.

Ask Me How

Find the Freedom Value Gap in your business now! Contact us on 1300 911 227 today.

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Case Studies

Lisa from Regional WA was referred by her Accountant as she was looking to purchase a school bus and a contract to pick up/drop off school children. The client had approached her existing Bank (NAB) who had been working on the application for 11 weeks before declining it. We picked up the application and had finance arranged with 48 hours of application for $250,000 and importantly enabled the client to purchase the bus/contract that she was at risk of losing due to the delays. The client now wants to refinance their 2 home loans away from NAB for $700,000.

Lisa from Regional WA

Mohammed from WA was referred by his Accountant as he wanted to review his Home Loan. Unfortunately for the client, like many people in Perth, had negative equity. This didn’t mean we couldn’t help. We approached his current lender (Bank West) and conducted a product switch moving him from an old variable rate at 3.7% to a 2 year fixed rate at 2.99%. This took 1 day to process and saved the client over $200 per month.

Mohammed from WA